Friday, February 22, 2013

cc#4 unfinished

In a recent magazine by New York Times, called Upfront, an article called "The Gun Debate" author Patricia Smith enlightens readers of the gun debate, gun laws, and the possible future of gun control.

Patricia tells about December's tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, an how it is prompting a new look at the nation's gun laws. The weapon used in the Newtown shooting was a very popular assault rifle called the AR-15. Adam Lanza, the criminal in this case, used the AR-15 to kill 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, of the 6 adults his mother was included. A statement from the article, "Gun dealers say it's the most popular rifle in America." In my opinion, just because Lanza used this particular rifle in the shooting should in no way affect another citizen from legally owning it, which is what the gun laws will enforce.

The debate over guns in America date back as far as when the first gun was brought here. President Barack Obama states, "No single law, no set of laws can eliminate evil from the world or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society." This statement somewhat contradicts Obama's stand on gun control for he is directly implying that it will not prevent evil, senseless acts of violence. A well known statement, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." is where i stand in the matter. I understand if people have guns it is easy to commit a crime, yet if guns are taken law abiding citizens will be the only ones left defenseless for the criminals already disobey the government's laws.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

current connection #3: Korean threats

In "LA Times" article by Barbara Demick and Ken Dilanian, called U.S. promises action after North Korea's blatant threats, citizens are informed of actions between North Korea and the United States concerning nuclear missile testing which was made clear that the target is our homeland.

"The United States and China reacted sharply to the latest torrent of belligerent language from North Korea, which called the U.S. its "archenemy" and said it planned to conduct another nuclear test despite international sanctions". The definition of sharply must be growing differently each day, for my opinion of sharply would be a forceful way to prevent anymore nuclear testing which has already been stated will one day be targeting the United States of America. When a country plainly states we are a target for nuclear destruction wouldn't that be deemed necessary for forceful reactions.

"Calling the United States the "archenemy of the Korean people," the commission said, "We are not disguising the fact that the various satellites and long-range rockets that we will fire and the high-level nuclear test we will carry out are targeted at the United States." This quote pulled from the article, explains the numbing fact that yet another country is becoming a nuclear power, and yet another country intends on destroying the western civilization we call home. For the second time in our nation's history we are looking North Korea in the face of a potential war.

With North Korea under the new ruling of Kim Jong Un rather then his father Kim Jong Il, it was expected to be a more moderate course yet it has turned into war threats supported by nuclear tests. The surprising step taken by Korea's long time ally China recommending the resumption of the six-nations talks on North Korea's nuclear program. Although North Korea is not wealthy, two nuclear tests have been conducted. The first in the year of 2006 followed by the second in 2009.

Personally it is a very important topic to thoroughly study for the sake of our nation will be determined by the outcome of events. North Korea testing long distance nuclear weapons, stating directly that the target is our homeland, evidence as such tends to worry the mind. Whether the U.S. retaliates or not will be upon us soon. Advising a war is not my position yet if it saves us  from nuclear destruction my vote will be positive.

In conclusion, with North Korea's leaders growing more and more insane through generations, if nuclear threats and tests do not cease it will be a head on collision between nations to see who the top dog is.  

Friday, February 8, 2013

current connection #2: French Military campaign

In a recent article in the "LA Times" by Shashank Bengali, Ken Dilanian and David S. Cloud, called U.S. moves to bolster French military campaign in Mali, information about American troops ferrying the French into Mali for the latest conflict with Al Qaeda is given to the public.

"U.S. officials said they also were making plans to send drones or other surveillance aircraft and provide help with aerial refueling of French fighter jets, which bombed columns of Al Qaeda-allied militants in northern Mali for a fourth straight day Monday". America may not be physically involved in the Mali conflict but is clearly supporting the French in their task of stopping Al Qaeda from taking over Mali completely. In theory America will eventually become involved, if of course there is an immanent threat to our homeland.

There is growing concern in Washington about "rebel advances" which has lead the Obama Administration to back the French after several months of inactivity. Which in my opinion leads to ideas of slowly but surely involving ourselves in yet another terrorist act dealt against weaker nations. While in the midst of removing troops in Afghanistan, it seems definite they will just transfer continents to partake in the same war just another location, due to cause more casualties on both sides.

Unlike recent times of inactivity in this conflict, "We have promised [France] that we will ... provide whatever assistance we can to try to help them," Panetta said. This statement leads me to believe that physical U.S. action will soon be taken. With a war already in our hands plus the action being taken in Mali, this could be a devastating money pit for our nation.

This article is an attention grabber in my opinion for anytime our country could be on the verge of war it should interest everyone especially teenagers for they are the next possible warriors to take charge. Many young adults are some what careless when it comes to wars, or struggles in our country but do not yet realize the world they are unaware of will soon turn into their own world.

In conclusion, this article is very important for the simple fact of it informs readers all over the country of the possible war front that is approaching us.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

current connection #1: Mali conflict

In a "LA Times" article by David S. Cloud, Shashank Bengali and Kin Dilanian, called Mali conflict exposes White House-Pentagon split, the world is informed on the war containing murky ties to Al Qaeda, creating havoc in West Africa.

"Although no one is suggesting that the groups pose an imminent threat to the United States, the French military intervention in Mali and a terrorist attack against an international gas complex in neighboring Algeria have prompted sharp Obama administration debate over whether the militants present enough of a risk to U.S. allies or interests to warrant a military response." Top American officials believe that without U.S reaction to acts of this sort of trouble, Mali will turn into another extremist terrorist base such as Afghanistan before September 11, 2001. Yet the Obama administration is unclear whether the Mali insurgents are members of the group Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, threaten the U.S.

The same top ranking officials worry about "being drawn into a messy and possibly long-running conflict against an elusive enemy in Mali, a vast landlocked country abutting the Sahara desert, just as U.S. forces are withdrawing from Afghanistan". Which would leave the United States further in dept for an unnecessary cause. Also what need is there to put the lives of our troops in danger when there is no direct threat to American soil to be found?

The French, who are already sending troops to fight off the insurgents have asked America for transportation of 500 to 600 armed troops, with vehicles and armour."The Pentagon is planning to begin ferrying additional French troops and equipment to Mali in coming days aboard U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo jets, according to Air Force Maj. Robert Firman, a Pentagon spokesman". Although the ideal runway is still being tested to see if it can withstand holding the weight of the massive C-17 cargo jet without crumbling away. If not there will be a secondary airport where troops will switch to another, smaller plane, to be transported the rest of their journey.

This article grabbed my attention immediately, for overseas affairs, such as wars, are very easy to get to the point of without reading an essay. If it isn't clear i am a very "to the point" person therefore the best reads follow those guidelines. Not only is this important for the fact people are dying, yet our country could become involved in a very short instance which could possibly affect me very directly. With the price of war, loved ones being shipped over, or even potentially myself going if it is drawn out long enough."I think the U.S. ambivalence about moving into Mali is very understandable," said Richard Barrett" This shows support from officials of the U.S becoming involved, thus proving my point.

In conclusion, with America on the toes of war, France already involve, this may be more of an immanent threat then perceived in those interviewed for this article.

Monday, February 4, 2013

br #1 : Hogs in the Shadows

             The book Hogs In The Shadows Aka Combat Stories from Marine Snipers in Iraq is just brief descriptions from a number of marine snipers. Something like short stories, these marines tell of their training and there combat. Milo S. Afong's Hogs In The Shadows portrayed the life as a marine sniper and the long road you must take to become one.
              Hogs In The Shadows illustrates the bravery, conditioning, and the mental strength needed in these men known as snipers. Without bravery a sniper would most likely not prevail in his mission for the lack of confidence would hold him back. Without proper conditioning the struggle would be making it to the location of the mission and back to the safety of the base. Last but not least without mental strength it could drive a man mad knowing his job is to kill people and get himself or his teamates killed from his mistake.
             Although this is less of a book and more of a journal full of short stories. Each sniper, or sniper team, has a chapter to describe either a mission or their training in great detail. The obstacles to overcome are tremendous but most feel rewarded when its all said and done.
            Furthermore, the setting in this book creates a connection for me. All of the snipers are stationed somewhere in Iraq, as was my Uncle. They share the same jobs and the same duty. This interest me because my Uncle wasn't aloud to talk about his tours but this book may have answered some of my thoughts.
             In conclusion, this was a very informative book, aswell as a good read. Hogs In The Shadows  is highley reccomendable to any reader willing to be patient.